- Conversations at Concept stage
- OFP Letter of Endorsement
Engage Operational Focal Point's Office
The Operational Focal Point (OFP) is a government staff person, usually in the Ministry of Environment or Finance, who ensures that GEF proposals and activities in the country are consistent with country priorities and the country commitments under global environmental conventions. OFP support is officially documented in a Letter of Endorsement (LOE), which is required for PIF submission.
Ensure OFP Office support
As noted under Concept Stage, support from the GEF Operational Focal Point is required before PIF project development may begin. The OFP and corresponding technical department should be engaged early and often to (1) understand the funding feasibility of a given project, (2) determine the standard practice of engagement in country (e.g., level of desired OFP involvement, process for obtaining LOE), and (3) ensure continued OFP support for the project.
At a minimum the GEF OFP must be actively involved during the PIF/PFD review—either during PIF Review by Partners or once a final draft is complete, to ensure their feedback is incorporated.
Letter of Endorsement:
The GEF Operational Focal Point (OFP) Letter of Endorsement (LOE) is the official record of government backing for a project at the PIF stage in the project cycle. The Letter of Endorsement specifies:
- The project title
- The amount of STAR being requested—The System for Transparent Allocation of Resources (STAR) represents the amount of funds a country can access within a given replenishment period. The OFP determines how STAR resources are distributed (see key principle: STAR).
- The amount of PPG being requested—the Project Preparation Grant (PPG) is funding to support detailed project design and accompanied documentation. PPG resources are provided to the Project Development Team (for consultant fees, costs related to technical assistance and staff time, etc.).
- The PPG Agency Fee—Per GEF policies, the PPG Agency Fee is a 9%, which is used by the GEF Agency to oversee the project development process.
- The participating county(ies)
- The Executing organization
Request for the LOE should come after numerous conversations, meetings, and workshops with the OFP and corresponding technical department. Once the team is ready to formally request the LOE, a near-final or final PIF must be provided to the OFP. The provided PIF must have the final financial figures, country(ies), project title, and (ideally) the executing organization, as the OFP will state this information in the LOE.
The Letter of Endorsement must be submitted with the first formal submission of the PIF to the GEF Secretariat for review.