GEF Project Cycle Budget Tool

To assist the Project Development team in making an informed decision regarding the short and long-term financial needs for successful design and execution of a GEF project. Founding gaps identified by this document should not deter a project from advancing, but should help facilitate the identifaction of additional funds or conversations with potencial donorsto meet the anticipated full project costs associated with each phase of the GEF project cycle. Please use the currency that helps faciliate the estimate of total project development cost.

Before you start

Concept Development Funding Gap

Please review guidance on the Concept Phase found here and answer the questions below:

Skip to the next section if concept has already been completed

1. Have you identified the individual who will lead concept development?
2. Are there any other staff who are needed to assist with concept development?
3. Will you need a consultant for any part of concept development?
4. Are there meeting/travel costs associated with the discussion of the concept with the Government oo other partners?
5. Are there other direct costs associated with concept development?
6. What is the budgeted indirect rate?

PIF Development funding Gap

PIF Development - The investment will depend on the amount of time which varies significantly. Under the right conditions a PIF can be drafted in a month, but many can take over 12 months. Staffing, consultants, workshops, and travel costs should be planned accordingly. Failure to plan ahead canr esult in raising expectations of partners, especially government, without being able to deliver cost for PIF development varies significantly, but can often exceed US$50-100,000

Please review guidance on the PIF Phase found here and answer questions below:

Skip to the next section if PIF has already been completed

1. Have you identified who will lead PIF development?
2. Are there any other staff who are needed to assist with PIF development?
3. Will you need a consultant for any part of PIF development?
4. Are there meeting/travel costs associated with the discussion of the PIF with the Government or other partners?
5. Are there other direct costs associated with PIF development?
6. What is the budgeted indirect rate?

ProDoc Development funding Gap

ProDoc Development - It is typical that the Project Development Team will underestimate the amount of staff, time, and funding needed to successfully develop a ProDoc withing 12-18 months. The GEF does provide a modest Project Preparation Grant(PPG)(see PPG Guidance), but in almost all cases, this does not cover full project costs. Additionally, depending on the source of the PPG(e.g. if it comes from GEF country allocations), there may be PPG expectations from government partners. Safeguards, participatory stakeholder engagement, consultancies, workshops, and other costs should be planned ahead, approved by the WWF GEF Agency and are reported back to GEF at the end of development.

Please review guidance on the ProDoc Phase found here and answer quetions below:

1. Please estimate the total needed for a lead consultant (or team of consultants including national consultants) to develop the project and write the ProDoc. (see examples of ProDoc budgets here).
2. Are there any other staff who are needed to assist with project development (eg. In-house staff within the proponent office or project partners)?
3. Will this project need consultants for: Safeguards, Environment and Social Assessments, gender, technical assistance, economic analysis, baseline assessments, feasibility studies etc.
4. Are their meeting/travel costs associated with stakeholder engagement, project design and partnership building, consultants, WWF, Government, other project partners?
5. Will you need to contract translators?
6. Are there other direct costs associated with project development?
7. What is the budgeted indirect rate?
8. Please include 5% of the PPG budget for contingency.

PMC funding Gap

Project Execution - GEF provides set amount to manage project execution, called Project Management Cost (PMC). Examples of approved PMC expenses can be found here and generally include the expenses to fund the day-to-day management of a modest project management unit. GEF does not allow overhead/indirects to be charged to a project grant or PMC. Folllowing GEF Incremental Cost reasoning, overhead/indirects are part of a project baseline provided by the lead executing agency as project in-kind or grant/cash cofinancing. GEF projects typically are expected to leverage up to five or six times the amount of the GEF grant in cofinancing from project partners, which often includes staff time, in-kind use of office space and other indirect charges. The GEF also expects a 1:5 or 6 cofinancing ratio for PMC. For GEF Project Financing up to $2 million, PMC could be up to 10% of the subtotal; above $2 million, PMC could be up to 5% of the subtotal.

Please review guidance on the Project Management Costs found here and answer quetions below:

1. What is the proposed total GEF project Budget request?
2. Based on the PMC Guidance, what is the expected total allowed GEF-funded PMC budget?
3. Do you have the amount included in #2 multiplied by six(or the overall anticipated cofinancing ratio) for project management?
4. Will the PMC + PMC cofinancing total cover the cost of project management + the indirects associated with this project?