- CEO Endorsement of the project
- Signed Grant Agreement
- Agreed deliverables for Agency Approval (Year 1 work plan and budget, etc)
Agency Approval Processes
Agency Approval Processes
Prior to contracting, some documentation may be needed for Agency Approval, including:
- Due diligence completed—due diligence assessments completed with the Executing Agency
- Safeguards disclosure completed
- Baseline data for Results Framework completed—any pending baseline data should be gathered and included in a final and approved Results Framework
- Draft/Final Project Management Unit Terms of Reference (TOR’s)—TORs must be drafted for all proposed PMU staff. Sample TORs are provided for a Project Manager, M&E Officer, Project Coordinator, and Finance and Administration Officer below.
- TOR for Project Steering Committee and members—Sample TORs are provided below.
- Any Executing Agency negotiations completed
- Project is operational
Additional steps or documentation may be requested by the Project Manager. Completing the above preconditions can take place while the project is under review for CEO Endorsement to ensure a quick execution start date.
Grant (Execution) Agreement
The WWF GEF agency and lead Executing Agency will negotiate the contracting and funding terms of the project. The grant agreement includes a standard list of deliverables.