- Final Table B
- Detailed Budget Excel
- Budget Notes / Narrative
- Co-financing commitment letters
Draft detailed budget
A detailed budget using the template provided is required for the CEO Endorsement Request Document. The detailed budget should be structured according to the budget included in the PIF. Therefore, it will be required that each component be budgeted in detail including the Project Management Costs (PMC) (i.e., salaries, travel, workshops, consultants, grants to partners, etc.). Each expense line item within each component will need to be split according to the output toward which it is contributing. The generic detailed budget template here (see under Templates below) will be modified to to read more
Co-financing simply refers to the financial value of the project baseline, from which the GEF project is building off. Co-financing can include the following: When defining co-financing with partners, begin with noting the relevant existing work presented in the project baseline and then value the associated cost of that work. The value of these programs (both existing work that the project will need to use to meet project objectives as well as planned government programs over life of the project) can be counted as co-financing. Note that while GEF requires letters of to read more