- Gender Assessment (PIF) provides the general context on national/regional policies and gender dynamics in the project scope
- Results Chains may point to initial gender entry points
- Gender Analysis and Action Plan
Conduct Gender Analysis
Pre-requisites/Inputs. The Gender Desktop Assessment completed during PIF stage provides the general context on national/regional policies and gender dynamics in the project scope. Results Chains may point to initial gender entry points.
Gender Analysis. The Project Development Team must conduct a Gender Analysis to validate the information found in the desktop gender assessment and examine gender dynamics, gender differentiated impacts and risks, opportunities to address gender gaps and promote the empowerment of women, at a more intricate level.
The Gender Analysis should be done by a Gender Specialist (e.g., through a consultant or in-house, depending on capacity). A sample Terms of Reference is available. The main objective of a Gender Analysis is to collect gender-specific data, including:
- Women and men’s roles, needs, and knowledge in the project area
- Control and decision-making process among women and men at the community level in environmental planning and governance
- Access and control over the management of natural resources
- Access to land by women and men in the project area
- Differentiated access to socio-economic benefits and services.
The Gender Analysis will vary in detail depending on whether the project is site based or a global/influence/policy-based project. The document “Sample Questions: Gender Analysis” provides guiding questions for both scenarios. Gender-sensitive stakeholder engagement is critical to this Analysis.The Gender Analysis should provide a set of recommendations that can be incorporated into overall project design and within the Gender Action Plan.
Gender Action Plan. Following the Gender Analysis, a Gender Specialist (can be the same specialist used for the Gender Analysis) needs to develop a Gender Action Plan. While the Gender Analysis reveals the current gender context within the project sites, the Action Plan shows how the project aims to mainstream gender and empower women during execution. The Action Plan will:
- Lay out gender entry points
- Ensure activities to deliver project outputs are gender-responsive, and recommend how these activities will be monitored throughout execution (see results framework
- Provide recommendations for including gender in the overall project design (including budget, stakeholder engagement, M&E, etc.)
- Provide a set of gender-sensitive indicators and identify outputs and outcomes where sex-disaggregated data and information should be collected
- See the Gender Action Plan Template below for detailed information
In the CEO Endorsement Request Document, explain clearly how outreach efforts, activities, resources, services, opportunities and communication, will be made equally available to both women and men during the life of the project. Activities described in the CEO Endorsement Request Document should be gender-responsive, and gender should be described in multiple sections of the CEO Endorsement Request Document (stakeholder engagement, budget, results framework, M&E). During project execution, the Executing Agency will be required to describe these activities in various reports (e.g., Annual workplan, semi-annual and annual reports, mid-term evaluation report, final report, etc.).